Collaborative Vision – Episode 4: Dr. Daniel Walker – Optimizing Health & Nutrition to Live His Best Life

Dr. Danny Walker has been working with us at Okanagan Vision Therapy for close to a year and, not surprisingly, has been a wonderful addition to the team. He lives and breathes our core values of innovation and kindness and has taken a great initiative to ensure that positive energy continues to fill the walls of our clinic. Dr. Danny has also done an admirable job connecting us with professionals and resources to help implement his area of expertise – health and nutrition – into many of our Vision Therapy programs.

Spending some time chatting with Dr. Danny is admittedly a pretty easy thing for me to do. We have shared hundreds of conversations on topics ranging from Optometry, to music, to fitness, to food, to literature, to wine – you name it, we’ve probably covered it at one point or another. We have however never turned on a mic for any of these ramblings, so this was a fun and special treat for both of us.

As you’ll tell from the audio, Danny is an extremely modest and humble guy. Asking him to hop up on a pedestal and proclaim his knowledge isn’t exactly his typical modus operandi. Fortunately, we were able to crack him early on and dive head-on into some worthwhile topics that I’m sure will be fun to listen in on.

My Top 5 Takeaways:

  1. Active listening is the antidote to disagreement.
  2. Sleep hygiene is potentially the most valuable thing to consider for your overall health and wellness.
  3. In fitness, resistance training is of utmost importance – particularly for those who otherwise may be avoiding it.
  4. Get colours in your diet! Don’t stress too much – keep your food natural and colourful.
  5. Always aim to get yourself moving in the right direction in the morning: hydrate, get in the sun and get yourself grounded outdoors. When possible, practice some combination of mobility, flexibility, deep breathing, cold immersion, meditation, etc. – with the aim of delaying sympathetic overdrive.


Happy Listening!

Location: Kettle River Brewing Co., Kelowna, BC

Where can I learn more about Dr. Daniel Walker?
Until next month,
Dr. Paul Rollett, OD, FCOVD
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Collaborative Vision – Episode 3: Brandy Osborne, RMT – It’s Always Better to Fail Than to Fake Perfection
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Collaborative Vision – Episode 5: Dr. Shirley Ha – The Power of Altruism and Effective Communication
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