Brandy Osborne has been forging her path in the world of sport massage therapy for a number of years, and in that time has built up quite an impressive reputation. Her client list includes dozens of big name professional athletes, along with many weekend warriors who are keen to take an active and informed role in their journey towards recovery.
Vision Therapy
Collaborative Vision – Episode 1: Dr. Ben Stevens – The Beautiful Art of Saying No
I know what you’re thinking – does the world really need another podcast?! While I’m not entirely sure that it does, I am entirely sure that this one has been a whole lot of fun to make!
Is Vision Therapy New?
Ocular Nutrition – Okanagan Vision Therapy Welcomes Dr. Daniel Walker
It is with great excitement that all of us here at Okanagan Vision Therapy welcome Dr. Walker to the team!
Dr. Daniel Walker comes to us with extensive post-graduate training in the area of Vision Therapy and Rehabilitation – and also brings with him the valley’s most comprehensive knowledge and background in the area of ocular health and nutrition.
Online Vision Therapy
80% of the 52 cities within our province do not have direct access to Vision Therapy – but we’re willing to bet that 100% of these communities have people within them struggling with visual issues that would benefit from these services.
We have spent the last year developing and curating our distance-based and Online Vision Therapy Programs to help meet the needs of our province.
Certified Optometric Vision Therapist (COVT)
Practical Vision Therapy Accreditation Program (PVTAP)
Within nearly every profession, there exists a variety of training and certification programs that are designed to educate, evaluate and better prepare professionals for the types of challenges and situations they are likely to be presented with in the future. These programs are meant to establish a baseline foundation of knowledge upon which one can further expand and grow. Under the umbrella of the Canadian Optometrists in Vision Therapy & Rehabilitation (COVT&R), the program that exists for Vision Therapy and Vision Therapists is known as the Practical Vision Therapy Accreditation Program (PVTAP).