Vision Therapy
Tools for Online Vision Therapy
I read the book “Good to Great” a number of years ago, and remember being struck by a particular chapter referencing the stockdale paradox.
Functional Vision Evaluation – Top 20 Diagnoses
Following Functional Vision Evaluation, our team makes every effort to ensure that all findings and diagnoses are communicated in language that is easily understood.
Our Treatment Network – How Does It Work?
Sometimes in life there are things that, though challenging, prove easier to pursue than leave be. Expanding our network of treatment centres has proven to be just one of these things.
The Effect of Vision Therapy on Measures of Oculomotor Function in Patients Presenting with Post-Concussion Syndrome
A Journey Through Concussion Recovery in Kelowna
Eating Colours for Vision Wellness – Dr. Daniel Walker, OD
When it comes to diet and nutrients in our food, there can be a tendency to over complicate what is truly healthy for us. Phytochemicals are the biologically active chemicals that give plant foods their appetizing colours, tastes, and aromas.
Collaborative Vision – Episode 6: Adam Cegielski – Bringing Beautiful Tools, Systems & Transferability to Vision Therapy
You can sense within moments of the outset of this episode that this conversation was going to be a real treat. Armed with a fascinating educational and work history and an intimate understanding of business, Adam provided a wonderful recount of what originally brought him into the world of Vision Therapy and what continues to drive this passion moving forward.
Collaborative Vision – Episode 5: Dr. Shirley Ha – The Power of Altruism and Effective Communication
Dr. Shirley Ha is one of those people that almost everyone enjoys chatting with and spending time around. A true unifier in the world of Vision Therapy – she very much lives and breathes the essence of collaboration encouraged by this podcast.
Collaborative Vision – Episode 4: Dr. Daniel Walker – Optimizing Health & Nutrition to Live His Best Life
Dr. Danny Walker has been working with us at Okanagan Vision Therapy
for close to a year and, not surprisingly, has been a wonderful addition to the team. He lives and breathes our core values of innovation and kindness and has taken great initiative to ensure that positive energy continues to fill the walls of our clinic.