What We Do

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Functional Vision Evaluations

75-minute functional visual evaluation, inclusive of report. Eye tracking, teaming and visual perceptual skills will all be assessed in great detail to inform future management considerations.

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Therapeutic Eyeglass Prescriptions

Lens prescriptions designed to optimize functional visual skills, performance and recovery. By incorporating strategic tints, prism, and strength adjustments to optimize function, we provide glasses prescriptions that will allow you to recover faster or perform better in day to day life.

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Vision Therapy (In-Office or Online)

Personalized training programs designed to guide visual recovery following injury, improve reading skills and classroom performance, or build elite visual skills required in high-level athletics.


Given that the majority of us experience the world as one single image, it’s easy to forget that our two eyes must intricately team together to make this occur. When objects are presented to us at near (reading, computer, etc.), our two eyes must turn inwards together in unison and effectively focus on the object to prevent visual confusion and doubling. This is also true when our eyes turn outwards and relax focus to view a distant object. An eye tracking and teaming assessment is comprised of a set of objective, detailed and measurable findings that are used to determine how your eye tracking and teaming compares to normative values.

  • Vergence:
    Eye Teaming
  • Accommodation:
    Eye Focusing
  • Accommodative and Vergence Facility:
    Relaxation and engagement of visual focus (transitioning from near to far in rapid succession)
  • Ocular Alignment:
    Assessed at all distances and positions of gaze. How our eyes align with one another in different positions of gaze can have a major impact on symptoms of headaches and dizziness
  • Stereopsis:
    Depth Perception at near and distance. Deficits in stereopsis are common in those struggling with driving performance or balance issues
  • Saccades:
    Rapid, ballistic eye movements that abruptly change the point of fixation. These eye movements are used heavily while reading
  • Smooth Pursuits:
    Slow, tracking eye movement designed to keep a moving stimulus on our fovea. These eye movements are used while scanning busy visual scenes
  • Vestibulo-Ocular movements:
    Stabilizing eye moments that compensate for movements of our head. Deficits in vestibulo-ocular movements are common in those struggling with dizziness and balance issues
  • Reading mechanics:
    Analysis of eye movements using an infrared tracking system while reading
  • Visual Field:
    Peripheral vision


Visual Perceptual deficits are common following brain injury or in cases of Vision Related Learning Difficulties.

  • Visual Discrimination:
    Ability to identify differences in visual images.
  • Visual Memory:
    Ability to retain or recall visual detail.
  • Visual Spatial Relationships:
    Ability to perceive the position of objects relative to each other.
  • Visual Form Constancy:
    Ability to mentally manipulate visual forms and predict outcomes.
  • Visual Sequential Memory:
    Ability to remember visual details in the correct sequence.
  • Visual Motor Integration: 
    Ability for one’s hands and eyes to work together effectively.
  • Visual Figure Ground:
    Ability to focus on a specific piece of information in a busy background.
  • Visual Closure:
    Ability to visualize a complete whole when given incomplete information.
  • Laterality & Directionality:
    An understanding and projection of one’s understanding of directional concepts.


Strong visual skills are critical to sports success – not much happens in sports or in life until your eyes instruct your hands and body what to do! As every sport and every position requires a unique set of visual skills, our assessments are tailored to evaluate areas of visual performance specific to you. Be it hand-eye coordination, depth perception, contrast distinction, visual reaction time, peripheral vision, eye focusing, eye tracking and teaming or visualization skills, we are fully equipped at the centre to ensure you are prepared to perform at the highest level possible.


Varies on condition. Programs range from 10-30, 1 hour, in-office sessions.

Our Vision Therapy programs consist of weekly, 1-hour training sessions and make use of the most advanced technology available in our field. During these sessions we will work through a wide variety of activities (analogous to physiotherapy for the visual system) that are designed to improve identified areas of weakness. Typical programs range from 10-30 sessions and are supplemented by at home work.


  • Vision-Related Learning Difficulties:
    Conditions where eye-tracking, teaming or visual perceptual skills affect the learning process and classroom performance
  • Brain Injury:
    Head injuries (ie: concussion) that result in persistent visual symptoms and inefficiencies
  • Sports Vision Training:
    Enhancement of dynamic depth perception, eye-hand coordination, eye tracking, teaming and peripheral awareness skills for the high-level athletic performer
  • Strabismus & Amblyopia:
    Conditions where the visual clarity, functionality or alignment one eye is significantly better than the other
  • Binocular Vision Disorders:
    Conditions of subtle ocular misalignment that lead to defocus, blur or doubling of the visual world (ie: convergence insufficiency). Symptoms or headaches, dizziness and poor reading performance are common
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder:
    Enhancement of the unique visual processing skills displayed by individuals with ASD (read more here: https://okanaganvisiontherapy.ca/autistic-spectrum-disorder/

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