Within nearly every profession, there exists a variety of training and certification programs that are designed to educate, evaluate and better prepare professionals for the types of challenges and situations they are likely to be presented with in the future. These programs are meant to establish a baseline foundation of knowledge upon which one can further expand and grow. Under the umbrella of the Canadian Optometrists in Vision Therapy & Rehabilitation (COVT&R), the program that exists for Vision Therapy and Vision Therapists is known as the Practical Vision Therapy Accreditation Program (PVTAP). There are several other wonderful certification and training programs available internationally – but this program is taught locally and is distinctly our own.
What is PVTAP?
Over the course of 18 months, therapists and Optometrists enrolled in the PVTAP program are given the opportunity to attend in-office workshops and work through online study modules – all while preparing for a final examination and oral defense at our national AGM in August. Completion of this program signifies that an individual is now equipped with a consistent level of knowledge, competency and understanding that could be applied at nearly any Vision Therapy centre in the country.
How is Okanagan Vision Therapy involved?
This past month, both myself and one of our vision therapists Rhonda MacKenzie were given the opportunity to travel to Vancouver and teach the newest cohort of PVTAP students. Therapists and Optometrists from across Western Canada were in attendance, making for a dynamic, lively, and fun-filled weekend. By sharing knowledge and building camaraderie, the group was able to greatly expand on the basic course structure – resulting in a highly enriching experience for all. Both of us can’t wait for the next in-office event!
Post-graduate Vision Therapy training
As alluded to before, this program is far from the only post-graduate Vision Therapy training available. Within our Kelowna office, we have team members who have completed education and certifications with nearly every major North American group in our field. It is this diversity of knowledge and experience that has allowed us to create systems and programs here at Okanagan Vision Therapy that we are confident are among the best in the world.
Stay tuned next month where we discuss the certification that our very own Loreta Dahl will be completing in Seattle – the COVT (Certified Optometric Vision Therapist).
Until next month,
Dr. Paul Rollett, OD, FCOVD