Continuing Education
Staying on top of the burgeoning science and advancements that continue to build in the area of Vision Therapy and Rehabilitation is a large and persistent undertaking. With techniques, procedures and technology ever-changing, it is extremely important as a clinic to stay committed to change and growth. Clients deserve to feel confident that the experience we are providing is backed by research and a knowledgeable, well-educated team.
The Okanagan Vision Therapy team is always committed to this undertaking year round, however, the past 6 weeks has been particularly eventful!
Okanagan Vision Travels to Montreal
August was marked by a trip to Montreal for the Canadian Optometrists in Vision Therapy & Rehabilitation (COVT&R) annual AGM. A weekend of lectures from pioneers and visionaries in our field from across the world culminated with the graduation of one of our Vision Therapists, Rhonda, from Canada’s first cohort of nationally trained Vision Therapists.
Education in Kelowna
September has seen us host several speakers here locally as well. The month began with a lecture on nutritional considerations for children diagnosed with ASD or ADHD with Real Food For Thought. This gathering offered insight into the type of resources available to enquiring families in our valued community.
Shortly after, we hosted a two-day course at our office with Sports Vision Therapy guru Dr Geoff Heddle from Indiana. With attendees from across North America, the energy was fantastic and allowed us all to connect and learn more about how each of us approaches different cases and situations in the Sports Vision Training world.
On the whole, it has been a busy few weeks of continuing education for us and may take months to fully integrate the nearly 50 hours of new information. In order to stay true to our commitment as a team to offer the greatest experience and obtain the best results possible, these educational events are essential. Part of what makes our work so fascinating is the inherent complexity and variety in nearly every case we see. Having an ever-expanding toolbox of resources, information and colleagues to draw upon is what allows us to maximize both the experience of our clients and their success.
Until next month,
Paul Rollett, OD, FCOVD