

Post Trauma Vision Syndrome | Okanagan Vision Therapy

Post Trauma Vision Syndrome

Post- Brain Injury Vision Therapy Following acquired brain injury or in cases of post-concussion syndrome, it is common for many patients to present with certain visual symptoms. These symptoms include, but are not limited to: dizziness, nausea, headaches, double vision, light sensitivity and difficulty sustaining attention...

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Will Glasses Make My Eyes Weaker?

As optometrists, we often encounter patients who have formed the somewhat entrenched opinion that glasses will make their eyes or the eyes of their children weaker.   These conversations typically feel more emotional than the majority of dialogues that we have in the exam room and...

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Okanagan Vision Therapy | What are Prism Glasses?

What are “Prism Glasses”?

Many of our referral sources have become accustomed to talking to their clients about the possibility of using “prism glasses” to assist with their recovery from a variety of visual concerns. Referral is often pre-empted with a discussion about these therapeutic glasses and our positive...

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Okanagan Vision Therapy - Technology and the eyes of a child

Technology and the eyes of a child

A day here at the office rarely goes by without a parent asking some very important questions about technology use and the visual system of their child. Our societal dependence on these devices is an extremely new phenomenon and it shows prudent judgement on the...

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Okanagan Vision Therapy - Diagnosing Convergence Insufficiency

Diagnosing Convergence Insufficiency?

With many professionals now becoming aware of and learning more about functional visual deficits, I think it’s important to take time to discuss and outline one of the most common eye-teaming deficits that we see here at the office. As this particular condition can have...

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Okanagan Vision Therapy - Does Vision Therapy Work?

Does Vision Therapy Work?

One of the more common questions that we hear over the phone or via email here at the clinic is something to the effect of “Does Vision Therapy work for insert sign, symptom or condition?” While we are certainly very appreciative of the inquiries, the answer...

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